• BSH Signature - Fairmont Spa Coed Lounge

Fairmont Spa Access

Become Nourished by Nature at Fairmont Spa at Fairmont Banff Springs. Our Spa Access offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the day spa facilities for up to three hours. You’ll have access to all the spa amenities including steam rooms, saunas, mineral pool, plunge pools, outdoor whirlpool and spa lounges.

Hotel Guests – $99 per person (3 hours)
Hotel Guest ALL Member – $89 per person (3 hours)
General Public* – $129 per person (3 hours)

Call for more information: 1 403-762-1772

Note: Spa Access is now subject to availability and those with pre-booked Spa Treatment Reservations will receive priority. All spa guests must be 18 years of age or older. 

US Guests: Enjoy favorable exchange rates! View your room rate in USD using the currency drop-down in the booking engine. Your dollar goes further when you visit Canada.

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